Whirlpool of light

whirlpool of light:光の渦

This summer has been special, and it's been a hotter, less eventful summer than I've ever experienced anything like this.

One of the best things about summer is the fireworks and the summer festival, and this year we only heard the sound of fireworks in the distance.

When was the last time you saw fireworks up close and personal that made your stomach flutter?

Everyone is confused and resigned to the unnatural flow of this summer, but

I guess it can be fun again, even at times like this.

I don't write a lot of political statements on my blog. 

As in any country, it's best to avoid talking about politics, economics and religion as much as possible.

People have their own thoughts and feelings, and that's where humanity's conflict comes from.

But today, let's talk about politics and economics for a moment.

The Abe administration will soon end. It's been said that his cabinet has no track record.

We made progress on a number of things soberly.

I think we did a great job on the economic measures.

There are people who complain that the quality of life isn't improving, but that's a problem for corporations.

The economy has stalled under the Hatoyama/Pipe/Noda administrations.

High ideals, but unable to do what needs to be done in reality.

There was a time of political and economic chaos.

Mr. Abe's resurgence is one of many things he can do once he's been through it.

The economy rebounded from a sluggish rebound, with both currencies and stocks recovering strongly.

However, the private sector has been suffering from the fear of a long "deflationary spiral"

Even if the company retained retained earnings and made the highest profits, it would not return them to its employees and affiliates.

We tried to restore "cash flow" in the form of retained earnings.

The company was able to generate good cash flow numbers and investors appreciated it.

Stock prices also improved rapidly. But many companies have not set targets.

The company continued to withhold the money for fear of a backlash from shareholders when the company decided to give it back to employees.

Starting college graduate salaries and average salaries after 10 years of service were flat for 30 years.

We haven't really felt the economy recover.

But it's been recovering like crazy. The country's tax revenue is at an all-time high this quarter.

We live in a world that seems invisible, but who will be the next president of the United States?

from my point of view

The best candidate for the job would be someone with strong diplomatic skills.

We have three strong candidates for the post. I'll give you a quick rundown of what they've done and their pros and cons.

Mr. Kang: Current Chief Cabinet Secretary  ○

Well-balanced, well-spoken, I think it's safe, but there's nothing to shine about it!

Ishiba: Former Secretary General ◎

I got into a last minute tangle with Ms. Maekkai Abe, but I'm sorry. Smart and theoretical

He's a good-hearted person, but not very good-looking. 

Mr. Kishida: Current Chairman of the Policy Research Council  x

It's too late to do anything, no decision making, no bureaucracy, no sense of control.

Yes, that's what I wrote as an amateur. 

But I think the next administration will be a short-lived test case of sorts.

An administration that tidies up the remaining homework, not specific policies.

If that's the case, Mr. Kang would be the one to proceed in the most solemn manner.

The best thing to do is to listen to the trompe l'oeil of "Mr. Aso,"

Prime Minister Aso - Chief Cabinet Secretary Kan Kando - Foreign Minister Kishida - Defense Minister Ishiba

 I think we can hang on for a year and a half with this. Most appropriate.

Personally, I'd like to see Mr. Ishiba, but not now, not here.

That's how it feels.


夏の楽しみと言えば”花火大会” ”夏祭り”今年は遠くに花火の音を聞いただけです





どの国でもそうですが 政治と経済と宗教の話はなるべく避けた方がよい。

人それぞれ 考えや思いがあってそこが人類の争いの元になる。

ですが 今日は少し 政治と経済の話をしましょう



経済対策は いやぁー頑張ったと思います。

生活の質が向上してないと嘆く方もいらっしゃいますがそれは 企業の問題です。

鳩山/管/野田氏の あの政権大きな災害もあり 経済も失速

理想は高いが 現実に行うべきことができず


安部氏の復活は 一度経験したからこそできる事柄が多く

経済は低迷した反発から 為替も株も堅調に回復


内部留保に走り、最高益を出したとしても 社員と関連企業に還流させず


キャッシュフローは良い数字を出せるようになり 投資家からも評価され

株価もどんどん向上した。 しかし目標値を設定していない企業が多く

社員に還元使用とするときの株主の反発を警戒して 留保を続けた。

大卒初任給と勤続10年目の平均給与は 30年横ばい


でも、むちゃ回復はしてるんですよ。国の税収 今期過去最高ですから

見えそうで見えない世の中ですが 次の総裁はどなたがするのでしょうか?



いま 3名有力候補者が名を連ねますが やってきたことと長所短所を端的に書きます

管氏:現官房長官 ○

バランスはいいし 言葉もうまい 無難だと思うけど輝くモノがない!

石破氏:元幹事長 ◎

前開安部さんと最後までもつれたけど 残念。 頭もよく理論的

人当たりがよいが 人相が悪い 

岸田氏:現政調会長 ×

なにやらせても 遅い 決断力がない 官僚体質で人任せ

はい ド素人が勝手気ままに書きました。 

でも 今度の政権は 短命のテストケース的な形になるとおもう

具体的な政策でなく 残存する宿題を片付ける政権

そうなると 管氏が一番粛々進めるんですが

一番にいいのは だましが聞く ”麻生氏” 返り咲きの


 これで1年半 頑張ればいいと思います。 いちばん妥当

個人的には 石破さん見たいけど ”今じゃない” ”ここじゃない” って




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