lotus flower

Xin Chao

This time of summer, the lotus flowers bloom.

I think it's amazing that they have such big flowers in the middle of summer!

White and pink flowers have been blooming in the lotus field since the Bon festival.

In Aichi Prefecture, there is a lotus root growing region called Tateda.

If you drive along the bank of the Kiso River, you'll get the impression that the whole town is a paddy field of lotus roots.

The image of this flower is the Buddha who says in Buddhists.

The emblem of Vietnam Airlines is also this flower.

In India, huge amounts of petals are donated to temples and

In Singapore, they put flower petals in holy water to tell fortunes.

In Hong Kong, it is also a source of tea.

As an ingredient, it's a less assertive food that enhances its surroundings.

It has a tremendous amount of versatility, and it's eaten in many different ways overseas as well.

Is it a tie-in or a supporting role?

It's a position that quietly enlivens the main character.

The main character or protagonist shines in a unique way, though.

It takes that kind of pull around you to make you shine.

We must remember that we are the ones who shine.

In terms of ingredients, if you keep eating high quality meat, the taste will be faint, but there are many flavors and textures that come together to create a "chopstick rest".

I recently had a conversation about the key word "medatu"

Conversations about people who do nothing and are just there to catch your attention.

If you can have the charm to attract people without having to do anything

I guess that makes me happy, but I'm aware of it.

It's because it's like this flower, it gives off different colors in the green.

And if you forget that, this flower will too.

I'm sure it's not beautiful.


夏のこの時期は 蓮の花が咲きます


お盆の時期あたりから 蓮畑には 白やピンクの花が咲いてます

愛知県には立田という レンコンの産地がありますが


この花のイメージは 仏教徒で言うお釈迦様



シンガポールでは 聖水の中に花びらを浮かべ占いをしたり




つなぎというか 脇役というか?



輝くを放つためには 周りのそのような引き立てがあって

輝くものである ということを忘れてはならない。

食材についても高級なお肉をずっと食べ続けるとぼんやりした味になってしまうが そこにいろいろな味や食感”箸休め”的な周りの協力があって成立する。




それはそれで幸せなんだろうけど、 意識しちゃいますね。

この花のように 緑の中で違う色を放つからこそ

素敵に見えるものであり そのことを忘れたらこの花も



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