Try to prepare

This picture was taken last time, so it's not the one I'm making this time.

Working people are so busy that they don't have much time to put it all together.

And I make dinner in 20 minutes or less.

The time it takes to cook the rice is 20 minutes.

Cook all the side dishes in time for those 20 minutes.

Sometimes it's easy to make, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way.

For example, Okinawan food is very tempting to eat during this hot season!

"gouya-chanpuru," "asi-tebichi," "Souki."

Stir-fries are quick, but stews take longer.

Even with a pressure cooker, 20 minutes is hard to do.

If that's the case, I'll pack it up the day before or so and prepare for the next day at the same time.

All the same, we're not doing this when we need to, but in advance.

What will you need and when will you need it? How do you know? Sometimes people ask me.

But if you think about it for a minute, you'll realize that what you want to do, what you have to do.

We don't know that, and we don't want to spend our time going through the motions.

I don't think it's a smart thing to do.

There's a lot of emotion hidden in words.

If you think about the people in front of you who are your guests, your friends, the people you have to deal with.

You'll see what you need.

I've been trying to write articles in English lately.

That's because they just write articles that are unwatchable.

Don't come to the comments in this room.

Some people are so curious they don't even bother to look.

Of course there are fans, some of whom enjoy reading it.

That's who I'm writing this for, so good luck reading it.

It's a bit of a learning curve. Ahaha


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