Sometimes a necessary decision

Wasted time.

Autumn weather outside. Autumn rain fronts keep coming to Japan

My job is not so much direct work as it is more of a forward-thinking plan, and

As usual, there are many overseas projects, including ODA-related projects and overseas infrastructure development

Will there be more long term secondments, more contracts, more hours on the road?

Time is 24 hours, 1440 seconds, and somehow it ticks away at a steady pace.

There's a universal trend.

People always want to go back to the same place even if they know it's not what they want, right?

It's good or it's bad, it's just a matter of giving it some thought.

I guess I'm supposed to know, but there are times when I have to repeat myself.

There's nothing we can do about it.

You can help this process, or you can back off, but in my experience, the ones that are hot aren't listening.

In that case, words fail, as they are on this page.

"Words don't mean anything." Words don't reach what they don't want to hear.

I don't even remember hearing about it.

I used to take care of them patiently, but lately I've grown tired of it.

I use the "don't make me say the same thing twice" thing at work.

I got that time for myself and got that explanation right.

Finally, I'll check in with them to see if they understand. 

And yet, the fact that we can't do it still doesn't excuse us.

It's the same at work and at home. You can't understand the common ground. 

If you are acting on your own instincts, you may not be able to help us.

Either that or there will be secondary damage.

It's an easy choice to make, but it's not an easy one to make.

But recently I've been having some time to myself.

I try to refrain from giving others more time than I need.

It may be tough, but for those who need it elsewhere.

We're trying to shift that time to increase the odds.

Time is finite, not something we can take for granted.

Once you pay for that hand, you'll have to make it through on your own.

I don't need to know how it ends, no matter what the consequences.

All in that moment, as if nothing had happened.

We'll start ticking another time.



外は秋の雰囲気 秋雨前線が日本付近に続々とやってくる

仕事は 直接的な業務でなく 先を見据えた計画案が多くなってきているのと

海外案件が相変わらず多く ODA絡みの案件や海外のインフラ整備

長期出向や 契約案件が多く また 出稼ぎの時間が増えるのだろうか?

時間というものは 24時間 1440秒となぜか一定に時を刻み


ただ人は 判っていても”また同じ場所に戻ろうとする” 帰省本能だろうか?

良いことなのか悪いことなのか 少し考えればわかる

わかることなんだろうが それを繰り返す場合がある

こうなると どうすることもできない

この流れに 手を貸すのか 手を引くのか 経験上 熱くなってるのは話を聞かない

そういう場合は 言葉は無用 このページにあるように

”言葉は意味をなさない” 聞く気のないものに言葉は届かず


以前なら 根気よく面倒を見たが最近は飽きてきた。

仕事では” 同じことを2度言わせるな” ということを使ってます。

自分のためにその時間を得て その説明をちゃんと聞いた

最終的に 理解度を知るために確認をするが 

それでもなおかつできないということは 許されることはない。

仕事も家庭内でも一緒 共通認識を理解できず 

自分の感性で行動する場合は こちらに助ける能力があっても

確率は下がる もしくは2次被害が発生する

切り捨てるのは 簡単なことであるが そうやすやすとその選択はしない



手厳しいかもしれませんが その他で必要とする人のために


時間は 有限当たり前のように手を差し伸べらえるわけでなく


結果は どうあれ その顛末なども知る必要もなく





使用している写真はすべて所有権は放棄しておらず、オリジナルです フォトストック(Afro/amana-images)での所有権も存在しますので 2次使用はお控え下さい。


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