remember the time I spent flying around

It's been a few years now.

There was a time when being in Japan was rare.

When I asked him to call me on my phone, I couldn't hear the directions in the local language.

"Are you serious?" That was the start of a conversation.

Before Corona, there was a time when I couldn't go out for about six months.

Counting from then, it's already been three years.

I went to SQ for a day trip in between the second and third terms of Corona, but

I think I need a week to get my English ear back to normal.

What's more, I might have some resistance to moving these days.

In the past, an 11-hour flight would have been a breeze.

But now I'm not so sure. I'm a little worried.

Things that were commonplace a few years ago are different now.

Masks, eating out, weddings and funerals have all changed dramatically.

In the midst of this changing time, I've been searching for my own unique methods to make a difference.

I have to find my own way of doing things again, and build my own style that suits the time.




”まじですか?” その言葉からスタートした会話



といいつつ コロナの2期と3期の合間にSQには日帰りで行ったが

英語耳もずいぶん衰え 元に戻るには1週間は必要かなー

それより何より 移動することに最近抵抗があるかも?

以前なら11時間ほどの航空機移動なら ”ひょいひょい”

飛んでたけど いまはどうかな? ちょっと心配

数年前当たり前だったことが 今はなんか違うね。

マスクも外食も 冠婚葬祭に至ってはものすごい変化だと思う。

そんな変化して行く時間の中で また自分独自の手法を模索し



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