
I haven't been getting enough exercise lately due to the corona.

No matter how much I move at work, I can't seem to lose any weight.

Rarely, I make a week where I eat the same thing under the title of "One Week of XX Life.

Last year, I ate curry for a week. 

No problem, it was delicious, but I didn't lose weight from the spices I had planned.

But it was good for my intestines, wasn't it? I felt that way.

This time, I'm going to live with Japanese soba noodles for a week.

Let's try it with a bowl of soba! Strangely enough, I was the only one who got excited!

It's good to eat! I could eat that much without feeling guilty!

But I don't have any power. I'm so hungry.

I got tired of it in three days.

So, to reduce the guilt on the fourth day

Okinawa soba. In order to maintain a body like this.

I also need fats and oils to keep my body healthy.



まれに ”1週間 ○○生活”と題して同じ物を食べる週を作ってます。

昨年は 1週間カレー生活 



今回は” 日本そば” 1週間生活

盛りそばでやってみよう! 妙に自分だけ盛り上がりました

食べるとうまい! そこそこ食べても”罪悪感がない!!”

しかし、パワーがでない。 どうしようもなくお腹が空く。



沖縄そばですね。 これだけの体を維持するためには



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