
It's been hard to find time for the end of the year and the implementation of new consulting contracts.

From the beginning of the year until the middle of March, I was on site almost every day, doing my own work twice a week.

I thought I had completed my work, but on March 20, I became an advisor to a new company.

I'm not in a specific place to take care of things like I used to be, but I'm free to fix problems and go back and forth between departments.

Back and forth between departments, nothing too difficult.

But I have to pick up a pile of problems, define them, and mock them up.

We don't spend a lot of money on it, but it's all in our heads and on our own computers that we don't have connected to the outside world.

You need a hiding place.

We need a hiding place, and we have three already set up in the office.

I'm the executive director, so all my staff is working on it.

But I can't get to the information I want, so I just keep asking around.

Like anywhere else, the number of people who really understand what we do, how we do it, and how to manage it, is only about 2%.

This low percentage hinders the sharing of information and creates barriers between departments.

It takes time to make the first move.

Even if communication tools and servers exist

Even with the existence of communication tools and servers, the correlation between them and the distinction between what they can and cannot do is not shared by the entire organization.

This leads to a loss of about 20% of the time, and problems brought on by each person (2% of the people answering questions).

The person who asks the question stops thinking.

The people who ask the questions ask before they think, before they look.

Blame the system for not being able to do it.

They blame the people who know what they're doing.

People like that are everywhere, even in ordinary life.

There are people like that.

They have a sense of camaraderie, but they want to minimize their own burden.

If you reduce the burden on everyone, you improve your own burden, your leisure time, your salary.

People who can't see that are the ones who drag the company down.

Based on their age, position, achievements, career, and many other factors, such people are not likely to be able to read the company.

They're the ones who put on airs to try to gain a more significant position.

There is a large group of people who keep quiet and others who clash.

The first step is to define the problem.

Understand it down to the last detail.

Develop strengths and destroy weaknesses.

If someone is trying to force you, show them the power differential.

It's not a pack of wolves, it's a pack of puppies.

Smiling, talking, cajoling, getting to the heart of the matter.

"Make them feel like they're being watched.

I'm the one who moves the unmovable.

I'm both hated and liked.

It's not about management. 

It's more about making them aware of the difference in their depth as human beings.

Do you want to leave? Or do you want to target them?

It's not up to us to decide the line between the two.

It's what they've done and what they will do.

When you find something in them 

you will feel the meaning of having taken care of that company.

年度末の忙しさと 新規の顧問契約の履行でなかなか時間がとれません

年明け早々から 3月中旬までほぼ毎日現場での管理 週2で自分の仕事をこなしながら

完了したと思いきや 3月20日から新しい会社の顧問就任


部門間を行ったり来たり 特に難しいことはない

しかし、山積した問題をピックアップしてそれを定義し モックアップを行う

予算をかけるわけでなく すべて頭の中と外部接続させてない持ち込みPCで


隠れ場所は必要で 所内に3箇所すでに設定済み



どこもそうですが本当に自社の仕事を理解して 処理方法や管理の認識をある人間は

やはり2%ほど この数値の低さが 部門ごとの壁と情報共有の妨げになり



その相関図と できることできないことの区別が全体で共融していない

そこに20%ほどのロスと 各自からもたらされる問題(質問に対応する2%の人材の


質問してくる人間は 考える前に質問する 探す前に質問する

他人任せで できないシステムが悪い といわんばかりに


そういう人間はどこにでもいる 一般生活においても小さな権利を振り回す


仲間意識はある しかし 自分の負担は最小限にしたい

すべての人間の負担を低減させると 自分の負担も余暇も給与も改善する

そういうところまで 読めない人間が会社の見えないところで足を引っ張る

年齢 役職 実績 経歴 様々な事柄から そういう人間は

少しでも有意な位置を獲得しようと 虚勢を張る


まずは問題定義からスタートし 主要メンバーを押さえ込み


長所を伸ばし 短所を潰す

力でかかってくる者には 力の差を見せつける

オオカミの群れでなく 子犬の群れ

にこにこ笑いながら 話をしておだてすかして 核心を突く



嫌われる役でもあり 好かれる役でもある



みずから去るか? 目標とするか?

そこの境目は こちらの判断することではない

それは彼らが 今まで行ってきたことと、これから行うことである。




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