I pray

The end of the year is fast approaching, and it's already Christmas Day.

I feel that there was not enough time to enjoy it, and not enough time to talk about it with both hands.

In such a situation, only "those who can move" had a good time, and many times they used their right to enjoy it as a great opportunity.

On the other hand, there are those who sacrifice their own time, time with their families, and time with their loved ones to fulfill their duties with the word "mission" and vow.

I had a similar experience a long time ago.

"We can't do anything, but please do your best."

Do what you have to do, no matter how exhausted you are.

No matter how exhausted you are, do what you have to do.

What I was thinking at that moment was.

"If I can get through this, I'm sure something will change."

Now, in this world, you are repeatedly asking yourself questions and trying your best to deal with the problems in front of you.

I want to say this to all the people who are trying hard to deal with the problems in front of them.

"Your contribution is at least very understandable to me."

"I understand what's happening in front of me and the struggles behind it."

That's why I want to say,

 "I wish you better times and more happiness than anyone else."

  Thank you so much to all the people who work harder than Santa Claus!

暮れも押し迫り すでにクリスマス当日となった


そんななか ”動くことのできる人”だけが楽し時間を過ごし,幾度となくその権利を使い絶好のチャンスとばかり謳歌した。





自分の心が病みそうになってもそれでも 目の前の課題に取り組む



今世の中で自問自答を繰り返し 懸命に目の前の問題に善処してくれている




だからこそ ”あなたたちにより良い時間と幸せが誰よりも訪れますように”

  Santa Clausより働いてくれてる人たちに本当にありがとう


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