Various times(様々な時間

I don't have much time to write this article.

Since before GW, I've been working with one more company on an advisory contract, which has put a lot of pressure on me.

I've already done most of the work, so it's not like it's a problem.

But I'd like to field back my knowledge and experience and transfer it to your company.

In short, that's what I'm talking about.

I guess the management wants to strengthen those areas.

But this is too much work! It's troublesome! It's very troubling.

"It's easy to just give the answer! But you have to teach them the formula and how to solve it as well.We have different skills and experience. Will they understand this language? We have to choose which cards to play.I had to choose which cards to play.

Working in a space that is completely different from the flow of time I've spent in the past.

I was very sleepy.

In general, my experience has been that there are no good companies that have frequent meetings.

Yes, it's true that there is a certain amount of "decision making, selection of people, direction, purpose and timing" that needs to be done.It would be better if a superior with power could just "make a quick decision" and communicate it.

I don't know, "democracy" without meaning.

To put it bluntly, it's stupid.

In the meantime, I've got other things to do, so I'll get on with it.

But if I take my eyes off the road for a moment, they're still having meetings about a problem from two months ago.As expected, I gave him some moxa.

In the midst of all this time, I was reminded of the speed of my time.

On the other hand, I had a strange conviction that a normal company can run on about 20% of my ability.On the other hand

I've been having trouble sleeping, and on the weekend I slept for 16 hours.

It's good to be able to sleep, but I'm not working that hard!

I don't like this feeling of being tired for no reason.

These days, I've caught a glimpse of the difference in the intervals of time as time flows by in each of us.


GW前からもう一軒 ”顧問契約”の会社が増えまして かなりの負荷がかかっています

仕事の内容としてはほぼ経験済みで なにも問題になるレベルの話ではないのですが

その知識や経験をフィールドバックして そっちの会社に落としていきたい

要するにそういうことですわ 技術力や展開/応用力 など弱い部分があり

そのあたりを強化したいという 経営側の希望なんでしょうけど

これがまた 大変! 面倒! 非常に悩むところで

”答えだけを出すのは簡単!” しかし ”計算式とその解き方”までも教えないといけない

技量も経験も違う この言葉が通じるのか?という専門的な言葉など


自分の今まで過ごしてきた時間の流れと全く違う 空間での業務


おおむね経験上 ”会議の頻発する会社に良い会社はない!”

そうなんですわ ある程度”意志決定を行い人選して、方向性、目的、時期

これだけを力のある上席が ”さっさと決定して” 伝えれば良いんだけど

なんか 意味もなく”民主主義” 小さなことも 会議会議

はっきり言って あほです。

そんな中自分の業務は やるべきほかのこともありますので さっさとやりますが

ちょっと目を離してると 2ヶ月前の問題に関して まだ会議してる。

さすがに お灸を据えました。

そんないろんな時間のある中で 自分の時間のスピードというものを改めて感じ

逆に 自分の能力の20%程度で普通の会社は回るんだなーという


寝不足気味で 週末は16時間も寝ていたという始末。

寝られることは良いことですが そこまでまともな仕事していない!

意味もなく疲れるこの感覚は 好きではありません

それぞれの時間が流れる中で その時間の間隔差を垣間見た今日この頃


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