weave one's way through history

Making history over time.

Is it for your own good? Is it for the family?

Is it for others? Is it for everyone who shared it?

I don't think many people think that way.

It is a time that ticks by without notice and without fail.

Moving forward into the future without knowing it.

Losing something precious and receiving something precious

Rejoice in happiness, mourn in unhappiness

Time that spins as history, marking the same time now and in the past.

There are various conflicts in the world today, and even a major war invasion is about to take place. The people of each country "do not want that."

The reality of what is happening will be documented in graphic detail.

In a large grouping called a country, various ideas, religions, and values are mixed together, and the reality of what is happening is documented in a conclusive manner.

Some seek peace, some reform, some just want their loved ones to be happy.

I don't have much time for myself.

Your own personal time "is a fanciful passage of time."

Time that belongs to no one and is shared by no one.

Some people "express themselves" through media such as SMS.

Is that really who you really are?

Good or bad, in your own time, "there is no shame."

But you shouldn't choose to spend that kind of time making others unhappy.

The power of solidity is subtle and delicate.

I wonder if a collection of those forces and the right inducements could weave the right history.

Here in Japan, there is a quiet time now, a tragic time that was unthinkable some 60 years ago.

There is also a place in the photo 

We gather here, here to grieve, here to pray, and here to be relieved.

We need time to use it for others.

It is also necessary to secure one's own existence.

"Man cannot live alone."

There are certainly those who can live, but the vast majority cannot.

That's why we need to be considerate of our little relationships, and of animals that can't speak.

It's very minimal.

It's these small steps that build up trust and a sense of security, that solidify our existence.

I think we can create a history that will remain in the memories of others.

The accumulation of great history that doesn't make it into the textbooks makes good history that stays in the textbooks.

We can create an environment for the creation of such a person.

So, I will mark time, and in the midst of time, I will improve myself and adjust myself.

And when other people see that, and they're reassured and motivated, that's your history textbook.



他人のためであるか? 共有したすべての人のためなのか?


それは 気がつかない間に確実に時を刻み


尊い物を失い 尊い物を授かり

幸せを喜び 不幸を嘆く

今も昔も同じ時を刻みながら 歴史として紡ぐ時間

今世界では様々な紛争が起き 大きな戦争侵略まで起きようとしている。互いの国の国民も”そんなことは望んでいない”

起きている現実は 克明に記録される。


平和を求める者 改革を求める者 ただ愛する人の幸せな時間を願う人


自分だけの時間は ”それは空想的な時間の流れであり”

誰にも共有されない誰の者でもない そんな時間

SMSなど媒体で ”自分を表現する”人も居るが


良いことも悪いことも 自分の時間で”恥じることはない”

ただ、他人を不幸にする そんな時間は 選ぶべきではない。

固の力は 微弱で繊細

その力の集まりと 正しい誘引が正しい歴史を紡げるのではないかな?

ここ日本に今静かな時間があり 60年程前に考えられない悲劇な時間が


ここに集い ここで憂いを払うい そして祈り 少し安心した


それは自分の存在を 確固とするためにも必要


生きていける人は確かに存在する しかし 大多数はそれはできない。

だからこそ、小さな人間関係も 者を話せない動物にも 配慮が必要だろうな


そんな小さな積み重ねによって 信頼や安心感 その存在を確固として

他人の記憶にも残る そんな歴史を作っていくんだと思う



だから 時を刻みその中で自分を磨き整える

それを他人が見て、安心感や意欲がわいたら それが自分の歴史教科書だな


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