Lunar New Year

In the Buddhist world, we are now celebrating the Spring Festival.

We use the lunar calendar for our activities, and in rare cases, the lunar calendar is better for seasonal changes and

The tides are rising, the moon is moving, etc., and I think that's more correct.

I sometimes think about that.

It's been about three years since covid-19, and I've been feeling various inconveniences.

I feel many inconveniences and my lifestyle has changed a lot.

I feel that I have changed a lot. I feel that my lifestyle has changed a lot.

Selfish people are becoming more selfish.

The meek are less likely to express their opinions.

In such an atmosphere of resignation

In such an atmosphere, February will soon be here.

Newly enrolled college students who have completed three years of education in middle school, high school, and general education, plus one year

Maybe it was not the school life we wanted?

This is the first time I've seen such a big trend since the Lehman Shock in the 2000s.

I think this kind of big trend is as hopeless as the ice age after Lehman shock in 2000s.

I started to support them about two years ago to correct the glacial period of employment at that time.

I wonder how it is possible to provide relief now when it was provided about 20 years ago?

It's been about 15 years since China's foolish "one child policy" of artificial restraint.

The artificial sex ratio has changed drastically, with women unable to marry and

The government has said that it is okay to have up to two children, or even three. 

The people are being dragged around.

In the face of such an unpredictable situation, people are being dragged along by "speculative movements" that "come from anxiety."

It's a situation that's getting deeper and deeper. I feel that way.

The year 2022 has begun and the Omicron is raging.

The strength of the infection is inversely proportional to the severity of the disease, and the structure of the subspecies is changing.

It is a characteristic of the virus that it is easy to show it conspicuously.

That's not an easy statement to make. I'm almost certain of it.

The problem is that when you're infected, there's a pinprick of genetic information that remains, a memory of the infection.

I'm sure we'll see another coronavirus in the next few decades.



旧暦で活動していて まれに旧暦の方が季節の変化や

潮の満ちかけ 月の動きなどそっちの方が正しいのでは?


covid-19から約3年 いろいろな不便を感じながら


感じます。 その分”人間本来の姿”が露呈し



諦めとも思える そんな雰囲気の中




こんな大きな流れは 2000年代の リーマンショック次の




中国も人工抑制 ”一人っ子政策”の愚策から15年ほど経ちましたが

人工男女比率が一変してしまい 結婚できない女性と

晩婚化で政府も 2名まで いや 3名までは良いよと 


先の見せない状況の中で ”不安から来る” ”憶測的な動きで”


2022年も始まり オミクロンが猛威を振るっていますが

感染力の強さと重症化率は反比例し 亜種の構造変化により


安易な発言ではなく ほぼ間違いないんですが

問題は 感染したときに残る遺伝子情報のピンスポットの”感染の記憶”


そのとき今回の”感染の記憶”が 免疫側に働くのか?

それとも 免疫システムを突破する 糸口になるのかは不明。

かからない方が良いのは そのあたりの問題

まもなく春節 中国での冬季オリンピックや民族大移動


やはり確率的には? 30倍以上の危険率ですし

無事に暖かい春を迎えて 世の中が早く平穏になればいいなーと思います


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