Claims of old wounds

Claims of old wounds:古傷の主張

I know it's been a while since I've written, but the change of seasons just doesn't happen every year.

I don't like it when I sleep, as if it were hot or cold.

Work is okay as usual, but I'm not in good shape.

I'm headed to work with a tote bag that I've used this season.

I feel sick. I know why it's not a cold.

It's an old wound, a very insignificant little wound from a long time ago.

Even after all this time, it still affects this big body.

Old wounds are like inflammation, and when you wake up, it's coursing through your lymphatic system.

Every T-cell in your body is on the move.

Is there a battle going on inside my body? It's not just the affected area, it's the whole body, the whole fever.  I'm extremely lazy.

I've fought this inflammation dozens of times already, and I'm hoping my cells are about to win.

He seems to be a tough nut to crack, and I can't get him under control.

I could resort to medication, but two hours of anti-inflammatory drips every day is a bit hard.

And the temperature difference between the drip and the drip makes my body hurt like crazy.

I actually hate IVs.

The doctors know each other, they're like friends, and their wives are good friends.

I know what caused that old wound and what happens if it gets inflamed.

"And I know you don't listen to me when I tell you to come here every day.

It's been fluctuating back and forth between 37.5℃ and 37.5℃ degrees Celsius, so my lymph nodes are starting to swell up.

This is the level of nutrition and painkillers to keep you down and let the time pass.

You'll be suffering for about a week, but I hate it.

Well, I can't blame them. When old wounds hurt.

Maybe it's that time of the year when you rediscover the path you've taken and the path you'll take in the future.

久びさに書きますが どうも季節の変わり目は毎年うまく取り廻せません

寝てるとき暑いような 寒いような ほんと苦手です。

仕事はぼちぼち相変わらずなんですが なにぶん体調がすぐれない


なんか体がだるい 風邪ではない理由はわかってる。

それは古傷 大昔にうけたとてもたわいもない小さな傷が

こんなに時間がたったとしても このでかい体に影響を与える。

古傷は 炎症のようなもので それが目を覚ますと リンパに流れ込み

体中の T細胞が動き出す。

体の中で戦いが始まってるのだろうか? 患部はもとより 体中が発熱し



なかなか 手ごわいようで制圧することができません。

薬に頼ることもできるのですが 炎症止めの点滴を2時間毎日はちょっと辛い。

点滴を打つとその温度差で ものすごく体中が痛くなるし


医者は知り合い 友人みたいな関係 奥さんも仲良し


”毎日来なさい” と言っても 言うこと聞かないのも知ってるし

どうも 体温が37.5℃を行ったり来たり そろそろ リンパ節が腫れてくるかなー

こうなると 栄養剤を飲んで鎮痛剤で抑え込みながら時が過ぎるのを待つレベル

概ね1週間苦しむこととなりますが 嫌だなぁー

まぁ仕方のないことですが 古傷が痛むとき



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